My name is Monica and this is my space that I created to collaborate on this journey of life and motherhood.
It isn’t a perfect Journey by any means but that’s what makes life so exciting, right?!? I am a true believer that it takes the struggles to appreciate the beauty of life. My goal is to create a safe space where we can be ourselves and where we are enough! Where we can lean on each other and not feel alone on our journeys. There is so much “perfection” in social media today and it is easy to feel inadequate, alone or like I am the only one who doesn’t have it together. The truth is this is so far from the case. We live in a broken world but we also have so many new and emerging technologies that we can choose to use to empower each other and ourselves.
It was out of this desire to create an imperfectly perfect space and community that Cultivating a Village was born!
My Mommy Story
On September 13, 2015, I received a very special visit from a stork who brought me a precious baby girl that I named Luna. Well.. that is not exactly how it happened but it does accurately portray my level of surprise, during that uncertain time!! In the midst some not so Ideal circumstances, I knew that this was God’s plan for me and with some slight uncertainty, I headed back to the midwest where my family lived, to have this baby! It has truly been an adventure ever since. I am lucky to have my family that has helped me tremendously along the way. It has truly been an adventure ever since, with many ups and downs, full of love, laughter and of course…plenty of tears!
Our Prince Charming 
Starting my little family all by myself was eye-opening and took a lot of strength but in many ways, it was a blessing. It allowed me to build strength and self-love and take a long look at my core values. It pushed me to determine what I wanted our lives to look like and what direction we wanted to head. I promised myself I would not let anyone else into our lives that failed to meet these criteria. At the time, given my history with the stork and all, this was just a pipe dream. I had lost faith that there was anyone who could possibly fit such a request so I aspired to love the single mom life! I should have known God had bigger plans for our lives. About 18 months into my journey as a mother I joined a young peoples bible study at my church. I sat at the table I was assigned to and started making small talk with the other members of my table and there was this handsome guy with the sweetest, most genuine laugh that I had ever heard. Despite my recent vow to single motherhood, I just could not ignore that sweet laugh. Neither of us were looking for a relationship at the time but we truly believe that God had other plans for us and we are so blessed to have been brought to that table together. For other single mothers or mothers struggling with different family situations, don’t give up! Everyone’s timeline is different but do not lose hope, there are amazing things to come! If I had been looking at the time and not trusting that it was my time to focus on myself and Luna, I might have messed it up and filled that void with the wrong person. I could not have picked a more perfect partner or father for my daughter. Stay Posted….I will fill you in with the rest of the fairytale as it unfolds!